29 September 2010

Latest LiveView Device for Android from Sony Ericsson

Sony Ericsson has introduced its latest device for Android as Sony Ericsson Live View. This latest device is powered with Android 2.0
Operating system. This Sony Ericsson Live View will provide remote functionality for mobile
phone activity. Live View is very comfortable to move any where.

The idea here is you wear LiveView on your clothes or as a watch. It can then be used to view Twitter feeds, quickly check who is calling
you, what calls you missed, view e-mails, RSS feeds, Facebook messages etc. and act a music
playback controller. It 's a convenience peripheral busy people are going to appreciate
having. LiveView will work with any smartphone running Android 2.x. An app needs to be installed on your phone that allows communication with the device. For a specific app to work it needs to be LiveView compatible, but Sony Ericsson has also created LiveWare Manager which scans Android Market for compatible apps.

Sony Ericsson Live View is having 1.3 inch OLED display screen and 128X128 pixel resolution grid to communicate. Sony Ericsson Live View can place in Key-chains, watch straps and books.

Expect LiveView to become available before the end of the year. A price has yet to be announced.

I'm defnitely getting one for my HTC Hero!

#NewTwitter shortcuts you may not know of

The #NewTwitter was created with ease of use in mind, no more navigating away from your main timeline to view images or videos, or going from page to page to follow a conversation between Twitter users, everything are now displayed on one page with the use of nifty slide out panels.

Apart from the fancy sliding panels there is a hidden features that I stumbled upon by accidentally hitting the R key on my keyboard. #NewTwitter has a handy set of keyboard shortcuts you can make use of.
After some playing around I found the above screen detailing a list of all available keyboard shortcuts for #NewTwitter. The shortcuts range from replying to tweets, retweeting, compiling new tweets, to going to certain user profiles with just the push of a button.
If you are enabled for #NewTwitter you can just press the ? key on your keyboard and it will bring up the above shortcut screen, now go test those shortcuts.

28 September 2010

Google Chrome 60 times faster

Google says its new Chrome version has some serious speed. Thought the limits of browser speed had already been reached? Perhaps not. Google now claims to have something even better up its sleeve.

According to its Chromium blog the version 7 of the Chrome browser could get a healthy speed boost.
Chrome already holds a strong position when it comes to speedy performance so increasing this even more could leave all other browsers in the dust.

The new technique relies on hardware acceleration and picks the best graphics API (application programming interface) for each
operating system the browser runs on.

The benefit is in significantly. improved speeds for 2D applications, Chrome developers say. Browser hardware acceleration is not entirely new and Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer already incorporate some form of hardware acceleration.

The technique passes off multimedia content on a website to the graphics processor for rendering while the browser renders the text portions of the site.

The Chrome developers say that their current developments are showing significant returns. "These early numbers show up to 60x speed improvement over the current version of Google Chrome," developers wrote on the Chromium blog. "With Google Chrome's fast release cycles, we expect to be able to get these enhancements to users quickly and add new performance
improvements over time."

The Chromium development team says that the current benefits are for 2D graphics but that they are working on 3D graphics acceleration for future releases. 3D
acceleration is the "next big thing" in browser technology. With that in place developers will be able to
create sophisticated games, gallery features, 3D visualisations and virtual environments, all in a web browser.

Chromium 7, the current development version of Chrome, is available for Windows, OS X and
Linux systems.

Samsung's Galaxy Tab

Seems like Apple finally got some real competition for their iPad in the form of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, a tablet running Android. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Tab during an electronics fair in Berlin. Instead of calling it a tablet, Samsung is calling the Galaxy Tab a
smart media device.

The Galaxy Tab runs Android 2.2 with a 1Ghz Cortex A8 processor, 512MB RAM, and either 16 or 32 GB of internal memory upgradable
through microSD cards.

Furthermore it features a 7″ TFT-LCD screen capable of 1024×600 resolution, 2 cameras, one a 3-megapixel with flash at the the back
and the other a 1.3-megapixel front facing camera for video calling. Connectivity include WiFi and 3G. Samsung claims that the Galaxy Tab will be capable of 7 hours battery life during movie
playback, supporting a variety of formats like DivX, XviD, MPEG4, H.263 and H.264.

The Galaxy Tab will be available from October through Vodafone in Europe, so there might just be hope for us South Africans to get our hand on this soon, perhaps before the iPad is available in South Africa.

Scrabble comes to Amazon’s Kindle as first premium app

Technically, Amazon's Kindle can run games, but the first two games weren't particularly interesting to play, even if they were free to
download. Kindle owners inexplicably looking to game on their e-reader, though, now have
the first premium Kindle game to pay to download: Scrabble.

Published by Electronic Arts, Scrabble is available right now for the second generation Kindle and higher, as well as the Kindle DX. Look, we accept that the Kindle can't really do anything except slow paced, turn-based word games on its e-ink display … but we're still
puzzled by the missed opportunity of Scrabble.

Despite the fact that almost every Kindle out there has ubiquitous 3G, there 's no online multiplayer component to Scrabble for Kindle:
it 's local only. That's such an obvious omission that we wonder why anyone is bothering to bring Scrabble to the Kindle at all: their heart clearly isn 't in it.

Read more at Amazon.com

27 September 2010

Google Chrome gives power to users to change the formatting on any site they visit

Ever wished you could change the underlying code for any web page without getting your hands dirty? Chrome users can now do that
thanks to an extension that makes it as simple as possible.

Stylebot was created as part of Google's Summer of Code programme by a student from India. The extension pops up a sidebar for any page a visitor is visiting and allows them to change formatting such as font size, colours and sizes. The changes can be saved so that subsequent visits to the website retain the formatting.

Stylebot is good news for users that would prefer larger font sizes or move elements on the page around. It's also good for web
designers who would like to experiment with styles without committing the changes to file. Naturally Stylebot could also be used for hiding images and removing advertising from pages.

PS: I'm currently using Google Chrome as my default web browser. It's the best!

Join Gadgenator!

You can join Gadgenator on Twitter, at http://www.twitter.com/gadgenatorblog and on Facebook by searching for GadgenatorBlog.

Join this blog by "following" with your Twitter or Google. On the right panel of this site.

Also please email me at gadgenator@gmail.com with any suggestions what you would like to read about on Gadgenator or feedback on what you think of this blog. I will be very happy to hear from you.

Dominic Muller

25 September 2010

Ask.com has an iPhone app that lets you ask and get local answers

Don't worry, this isn't another search app you'll never use actually, Ask.com isn't a search
engine per se. Originally conceived as the place to ask complex questions and get relevant answers, Ask.com returned to these roots earlier this year after its owner IAC realized there 's no point in battling search behemoths like Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft on their own turf. Their upcoming iOS program aptly named Ask iPhone specializes in getting the right
answers for your typed in or spoken questions in a way traditional search cannot handle

The app draws its power from Ask.com's database of half a billion matching answers from high-quality sources like Q&A sites, FAQ
pages, and other relevant sites. Like on the web, you can tap crowd knowledge by hitting the "Ask the Community" button or ask your
friends on social networks to help you out. Version 2.0 of this question-answering engine
will deliver geo-targeted answers based on your location. According to reports, you 'll be able to route complex questions to the knowledgeable people who opted-in to the beta program, crowd-source answers relevant to your locations, see questions asked nearby, and so forth. Those features will be available under the
" Nearby Answers" tab of Ask iPhone version 2.0. What's best, you'll be able to set the asking
radius from less than a mile to fifty miles and thus narrow down your question to the right people or places. Here 's how it's supposed to
work. The app will present you with a list of places around you. You simply pick a nearby restaurant and ask if they serve pasta. Or,
choose a movie theater and ask if the line for the latest Twilight movie is too long. If all of this sounds familiar, then you may have
already tried intelligent search assistant Siri, acquired by Apple earlier this year. That said,
Ask.com does much more than parse complex search queries to perform keyword searches –
it delivers answers to your questions. It'll be all seamless and magical – that's crowd-sourced,
decision-based searching for you.

Ask iPhone will be submitted to Apple soon and hopefully approved without a hiccup.

23 September 2010

The HTC Hero is a real threat to the iPhone

There's a lot to be said for an instrument that reflects the word 'Hero' back at you when you turn it on. It's a great motivator to go out there and be the best you can be. Clearly, the developers at HTC had this word imprinted on their brains when they designed this handset.
The Hero is truly a remarkable piece of technology, and a serious threat to the universal dominance of the iPhone. HTC has spent an enormous amount of time and money on this phone, and their dedication has paid off, both in design and performance.

When it comes to design, the phone is a natural progression of all that has come before, improving incrementally while not straying too far from the elements that really are working. The phone feels solid in the hand, a weighty 135g with battery, and 8 of its 11 centimetres in length are taken up by the touch-screen.

Like most HTC phones, it also features a couple of key controls on the base of the phone. In this instance, Home, Menu, Send and End keys on the one level, plus a dedicated Search key, Back button and scrolling Trackball directly
beneath. It 's a functional, and aesthetically pleasing layout.

The most distinctive feature of the phone is the prominent 'chin' that juts out at the bottom of the phone. Opinions vary on how it looks, but personally I like the look of it and enjoy how it cradles your cheek when you 're speaking on the phone.

But the real fireworks are saved for what lies beneath, and it is here that the most work has been done. I found myself confused and frustrated by the HTC Tattoo, which promised so much but left it all lying slightly out of reach.

The Operating System (OS) in the Hero has undergone a major overhaul, and two key features stand out. The first is the seamless
aggregation of all your contacts ' channels of communication into one place. HTC are calling the user interface 'The Sense Experience', and it allows you to combine all the channels that your friends use to communicate and puts them in one place. It really is nifty and a delight to see your Facebook friends ' profile pictures and
information come to life on your phone. This is not a brand-new feature of the Hero, but it is the first phone to really deliver an integrated package that works seamlessly.

The other standout feature of the software is the Android Market app. Research coming out of the United States indicates that phones
carrying Android have outsold the iPhone for the first time, which must be immensely pleasing to Google, who developed the Android platform and app store. There are thousands of applications available for download to the Hero, and they have been neatly divided according to function and popularity. The apps also feature comments from users, which enables you to judge for yourself whether you really need this app as
part of your phone.

Of course the Hero is not perfect. Battery life is an issue with the phone, particularly when it is operating at full capacity. Furthermore, while the five megapixel camera takes great
quality pictures and allows you to share them easily, the irritating lag in shutter speed means that you often miss the moments that you
really would want to share. Neither of these are deal-breakers though, and are easily forgotten when you consider the sound and image quality, the ease and flexibility of the operating system, the dashing
good looks, and the scope of the Android app store.

This phone is a thrilling, engaging tool to own, and a conversation starter that ranks right up there with the ubiquitous iPhone.

Google launches Google New

If you are heavily invested in the Google lifestyle, you'll be happy to know that the search giant has rolled out a new website to keep you abreast on the latest and greatest the G-Life has to offer you. Google New, as it is so aptly named, aggregates all the new and improved services Google has rolled out in the last days, weeks, and months. Changes to AdWords, Docs, Mobile apps… you get the picture. The site allows you to filter new products by your area of interest or by specific product name. You can direct your browser to google.com/newproducts to view the new site.

Sony Ericsson pushes Android 2.1 upgrade for X10 family back to 'late October'

Sony Ericsson has been playing fast and loose with its calendar yet again, as it has just announced that the hotly (and by now angrily) anticipated upgrade to Android 2.1 for its X10 family of devices won't
be happening until late October.

We were given the gravest of assurances that the end of September would be the time our tragic wait would end, but nope, apparently "we need a couple of more weeks before we are ready to
start the roll-out." Just so we're clear, this isn't Android 2.2, which is Google's current highest iteration and has been around for months now -- this is the upgrade to 2.1, aka Eclair, aka the software that's not too far away from its first birthday. SE is trying to console users with promises of HD video and continuous autofocus bundled into the Xperia X10 update, but then there's also word that different
configs of the phones will get the update at different times. So don't be surprised if your French-speaking X10 Mini is still doing the
Donut deep into November.

20 September 2010

Facebook working on their own phone?

TechCrunch broke the news and Business Insider is also reporting that Facebook is working on their own mobile handset. The first report claimed that Facebook's Joe Hewitt and Eric Tseng (previous Facebook iPhone app developer and previous Senior Product Manager for Android at Google) are heading up the project. When Business Insider chimed in however, the scope of the project seemed to make more sense than Facebook creating a mobile OS from
scratch — they're rumored to be using Android as the base layer and heavily customizing the UI, applications, and experience. Before you get too excited, it's being reported the project won't be ready until late 2011, and even better, Facebook PR has chimed in saying that they are "not building a phone." If this does pan out to be true, is a Facebook-heavy Android-based handset something that would interest you?

Hybrid Dell Inspiron Duo Tablet : A Netbook and A Tablet Device

Dell Inspiron Duo Tablet made its debut on stage at Intel's IDF 2010. At first look, you might think that this is just a tablet device, but you'll be surprised to know it is also a netbook. Flipping the screen from within the frame will display the keyboard and turns this device into a netbook. This hybrid computer runs on dual-core atom n550 processor with a 10″ screen and Windows 7 Premium edition. Do they set a new standard for a netbook design?

It seems that this flipping screen design's been here since 1999

Multichoice adds M-Net Movies 1 HD

MultiChoice announced last Friday the addition of another HD channel, bringing the total number of HD channels on the DStv platform to five.

The new M-Net Movies 1 HD will be available to DStv Premium subscribers from 1 October 2010. The HD channels on DStv include: M-Net HD, Discovery HD Showcase, SuperSport HD, SuperSport HD 2 and M-Net Movies 1 HD. "High Definition channels are the fastest
growing product globally and therefore our focus is on rolling out as many HD channels as possible onto the DStv platform, taking into
account bandwidth restrictions, " comments Aletta Alberts, GM: Content for MultiChoice Africa. "Our focus is on giving our viewers a great entertainment experience HD movies lift that viewing experience to another level. " M-Net Movies 1 as well as the HD channel (MM1HD) will broadcast movies in their premiere season only.

The M-Net Movies 1 HD, available on channel 175, will be a simulcast of M-Net Movies 1 on channel 103. This means the programming on M-Net Movies 1 and M-Net Movies 1 HD will be exactly the same and will be broadcast at the same time.

16 September 2010

INSIC Wall Socket Encourages You To Stop Wasting Energy

Have you ever wondered why your electricity bill jumps to the roof on particular months? I have. I don't feel that I used more electricity compared to other months but the bill says otherwise. It would be great if I could get INSIC wall socket that informs me how much energy I spend or waste. This wall socket quietly informs the users the amount of electricity they used, which will encourage the user to pull out the plug when not in use.

The idea of this design is based on the difference between recognition and ignorance. We don't have the information of how much electricity we spend, but if we have the information, we can spontaneously
save the power.

Designer : Muhyeon Kim

HTC Desire gets two new models

The HTC Desire has for a while now been the only real competitor for. the Apple iPhone and has become the phone of choice for die hard Android fans. Yesterday at the HTC Launch event in the UK, HTC unveiled two new models of the popular Android phone.

The two new models are the HTC Desire HD and the HTC Desire Z, the one a new high end device set to take on the new role of the iPhone 4 alternative and the other a bit more slimmed down version of the normal HTC Desire.

Both new models of the HTC Desire will ship with Android Froyo 2.2 and will allow you to share videos, pictures and music to your TV or Display with the help of DLNA.

Both the HTC Desire HD and HTC Desire Z will be available from next month overseas so we should hopefully see them here in South Africa within the next few months.

A new and better Twitter

Although Twitter.com has always been the most popular way for users to make use of the micro social networking site, the market has lately been overwhelmed by desktop application that makes the social networking service so much better. But Twitter is not sitting back, the micro social networking site yesterday launched a brand new and better Twitter.com that is almost an exact replica of their latest iPad App.

The new Twitter.com provides users with an easier, faster and richer experience than before by adding features such as embedded media options, more context and more information regarding tweets.

The new Twitter will maintain the timeline but underneath each tweet is where all the extras are built in. Twitter has also made changes to the design of their new site mimicking that of their new iPad application by adding sliding
panels to the site keeping your timeline to the left and scrollable and allowing you to view all other info like profiles, media, replies to tweets etc on the right. Twitter started rolling out the new changes gradually already and the roll out should be completed within the next few weeks. For more information check out the twitter.com/newtwitter

14 September 2010

Nokia announces new C6 and C7 Symbian^3 handsets with 8 megapixel cameras

At Nokia World, the destination for people passionate about mobility, Nokia today announced a family
of smartphones powered by the all new Symbian platform which brings significant enhancements in speed and ease of use.

The new devices, which are tightly
integrated with enhanced Ovi services and apps, reinforce Nokia's vision of a mobile industry that is increasingly being defined
by socially connected, location-based devices and experiences.

Highlights include:
- Three new smartphones, Nokia E7, Nokia C7 and Nokia C6, which join the previously announced Nokia N8 to form a family of Symbian products. - The latest version of the Symbian platform brings more than 250 new features and improvements and retains the familiarity enjoyed by millions of smartphone users worldwide;
- Showcase of the Nokia N8, the ultimate entertainment smartphone and world's best cameraphone;
- Availability of a richer Ovi Store experience - starting with the Nokia N8 -that includes a friendlier look and feel, and more popular and unique apps and games;
- The latest beta release of free Ovi Maps with new pedestrian and motorist features.

10 September 2010

Concept: Fluid Wearable SmartPhone by Dinard da Mata

Fluid reminds me of Nokia Morph. It's a smartphone that uses flexible
"OLED" technology. Fluid provides mobility and ease in handling its duties. You can wear Fluid as one of your fashion accessories, this wearable gadget is certainly won't take space in your pocket, you can wear it as a bracelet. Unfortunately there's no further information regarding this phone design.

Google Instant: Search as you type

In an attempt to make Google more real-time, the search engine giant on Wednesday introduced a new feature called Google Instant.

Google Instant makes searching the web faster by bringing up search results as you type in your query. As you type in your query into the
Google search box, the search displays a list of suggested phrases you are likely to search for and brings up the search results for the top suggested phrase.
Pretty cool new feature, but kind of useless for me as I make use of the Chrome address bar to enter my search queries. Adding another step to get to my search results with Google Instant is a bit cumbersome, would be cool though if Google could build this into Chrome somehow. To test out Google Instant for yourself head on
over to Google.com and start typing in your search query.

07 September 2010

Apple launched a iPod Touch 4G

Apple has launched its latest fourth generation iPod touch as Apple iPod Touch 4G. This latest Apple iPod Touch 4G is having many improved features. This latest iPod Touch is having free
Facetime video charts, so that you can chit chat with your friends with this iPod. Apple iPod Touch 4G is light weight too, it is lighter and thinner than previous versions. This
latest iPod is having both front and back-facing cameras, which allows you to record 720p HD video. This iPod is having best gaming facilities,
the new iPod Touch 4G supports Apple's news Game Center.

There is also news that this iPod Touch 4G does not have a 3G connectivity and poor camera are some of the draw backs. iPod Touch 4G will be available in 8GB, 16GB and 32GB models.

The iPod Touch is actually exactly the same as the new Apple iPhone 4G, but just without the phone and SMS. Also wireless connection needed. No SIM can be insert.

Maybe South Africa will get it before December 2010.

The new Apple iPod Shuffle

Apple launched a new iPod Shuffle with the body crafted from a single body aluminium. You get 15 hours of battery life, 2GB of memory (enough for hundreds of songs).

It's back — the big, clickable control pad on the front of iPod shuffle. It's 18 percent larger than on previous iPod shuffle models, so it's even easier to see and use the music controls. Press the center button to play and pause. Press the
outer buttons to skip forward or back and adjust volume. Click, click, click. It 's music to your fingers.

Say you're listening to a song and want to know the title or the artist. Just press the new VoiceOver button on top of your iPod shuffle and it tells you. You can even use VoiceOver to hear the names of playlists and switch between them.

It's available in the color silver, blue, green, orange and pink.

iPod Nano With Multi-Touch Technology

The newly designed iPod Nano got our attention from today's big Apple
announcements. This new iPod Nano is smaller and redesigned with Multi-Touch technology, the same technology for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Listening your music is easier, intuitive and more fun. Have fun with your music, just tap or swipe away!

From : Apple

03 September 2010

Google Chrome 6 available!

Google launched version 6 of it's browser Google Chrome yesterday with it's 2 year anniversary. Here is what's new:

- The new version has a simplified user interface: there's a single menu, the "go" button has been removed, the browser no longer shows "http://" in the address bar, the bookmark button has been moved to the right and the toolbar has a new color scheme.

- Chrome 6 adds support for form autofill and you can now synchronize autofill data, extensions and all their settings. Extension sync is probably the coolest new feature in Chrome 6 because you can take your extensions with you, not matter what computer your are using.

- Another new feature is the support for WebM videos. "WebM is an open, royalty-free, media file format designed for the web," which is already supported by software like Opera, VLC, Winamp and by YouTube.

- Some other changes:
* Chrome has a new shortcut for toggling the bookmarks bar (Ctrl+Shift+B);
* if you mouse over a link to a page that has a long URL, Chrome will show the entire address in the status bar after about 3 seconds;
* Chrome's extension manager (chrome://extensions/) links to the extension gallery pages.

Google automatically updates the browser to the new version, but you can manually check for updates by selecting "About Google Chrome" from the unified menu. If that doesn't work, download Chrome 6 from google.com/chrome

01 September 2010

Best Mobile Apps: Opera Mini

Opera Mini is a awesome web browser for your phone! Many phones have a complicated and slow web browser that loads forever to view a website.

Opera Mini have a clean and simple, easy to use interface. You can add 9 of your favourite webpages on the homescreen, that show little windows of your sites.

It's super fast! Full websites loads in 3 seconds, even old simple phones load not more than 8 seconds.

You can view any full websites with the perfect handy Zoom In/Zoom Out function. Double touch on the screen from a touch phone or use the option on normal phones.

Browse more for less! Opera Mini cuts browsing costs, because of it's speed. And images on sites doesn't load full megabites, that's why it works out cheaper and faster.

Roundup of everything:

- Simple and easy to use
- Super Fast
- Browse more for less
- Search Google from the Google toolbar
- Add 9 favourite websites to your homescreen
- Option to set all Images off (To save even more money and get more speed)
- Set as default web browser on phone

Download Opera Mini for FREE from m.opera.com

Best Mobile Sites: Mippin

Mippin is a very handy mobi site. Instead of searching for content on different sites, why not get everything at one place!

With Mippin you can view all the popular magazines and websites in categories on your phone. You can like at the Technology category get T3, Stuff, Engadget, Tech Today and all Technology news from all sites at one place. (Keep an eye for Gadgenator on Mippin)

You can create a profile and get connected with other people on Mippin that shares the same interest like you. You can also share a article via Twitter and like or dislike a article.

You can add widgets to your homepage like:

- Weather for your nearest location
- Your favoutite sites and magazines bookmarks
- Top Sites of the day
- Daily Horoscope
- Twitter
- Search the web, sites, magazines or articles

* Download the Mippin or Buzz Deck application for your Android or iPhone

Or visit Mippin from any cellphone on m.mippin.com