27 September 2010

Google Chrome gives power to users to change the formatting on any site they visit

Ever wished you could change the underlying code for any web page without getting your hands dirty? Chrome users can now do that
thanks to an extension that makes it as simple as possible.

Stylebot was created as part of Google's Summer of Code programme by a student from India. The extension pops up a sidebar for any page a visitor is visiting and allows them to change formatting such as font size, colours and sizes. The changes can be saved so that subsequent visits to the website retain the formatting.

Stylebot is good news for users that would prefer larger font sizes or move elements on the page around. It's also good for web
designers who would like to experiment with styles without committing the changes to file. Naturally Stylebot could also be used for hiding images and removing advertising from pages.

PS: I'm currently using Google Chrome as my default web browser. It's the best!

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