Apple launched a new iPod Shuffle with the body crafted from a single body aluminium. You get 15 hours of battery life, 2GB of memory (enough for hundreds of songs).
It's back — the big, clickable control pad on the front of iPod shuffle. It's 18 percent larger than on previous iPod shuffle models, so it's even easier to see and use the music controls. Press the center button to play and pause. Press the
outer buttons to skip forward or back and adjust volume. Click, click, click. It 's music to your fingers.
Say you're listening to a song and want to know the title or the artist. Just press the new VoiceOver button on top of your iPod shuffle and it tells you. You can even use VoiceOver to hear the names of playlists and switch between them.
It's available in the color silver, blue, green, orange and pink.
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